          關鍵時刻_20090625_2/7_暗椿.流亡一一爆 林德訓壞了阿扁'好事'!? At 1:18/9:41 "去.Her.Dean.Tar.Way.絕對.G.Meet"阿扁 and all those who sided with that "絕對.G.Meet" rule 代償must be killed immediately; because President and his first Lady and all his immediately blood ties (that how your President must not be 票貼allowed to have child or children, must not be allowed to have sex, not mention to show any sexy form in any way. Your President dare have daughter or son, al 建築設計l his daughter and/or son and all his daugher and.or son in law must have to live like "Toll.Mean.Ren" in front of public eyes also.) must have to live openly like "Toll.Mean.Ren" ( 辦公室出租That how JohnCatShake showed no problem to marry USA spy "Sung.May.0" ["Sung.May.0" speak First Class English over Mandarin, write First Class English over Chinese words, educated grown up inside USA, yet sh 西服e showed so much better than all your shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral rich and famous powerful and forceful evil Chinese female by keeping her virgin to the end not to commit the crime of birth, and staying insid 室內裝潢e her own house all the time that even US Congress must have to push her out in order to give her ears and/or eyes after she was forced to leave Taiwan behind; how dare you sucking shameless brainless cold cold hard immoral media showing any nose down 租屋網 to her after she become defenseless dead body.]; that how JohnCatShake no long care Military matters, or any government department affairs after he was forced to take that Presidency; that how JohnCatShake only did the President duty to kill or to parden when anyone 房屋買賣 brought any case in front of his eyes and ears to ask for him to help; that may explain how come it was or is said that many rich and famous powerful or forceful so fearful to show up in front of JohnCatShake eyes.) in front of public eyes; anyone cannot even have that common sense to know/see/ 面膜understand this common law, dare run for President, dare stand next to President, dare consult or advise President, must be killed immediately along with their sucking First Couple.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 帛琉  .

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